Satisfyingly crunchy, packed full of texture and taste, this granola is so easy to make and it’s thanks to the star of the show that sets it apart: QUINOA. Yep, you know that bag that might be sitting in your kitchen cupboards and you’re wondering what to do with it? As much as it’s a great ingredient in savoury dishes, this is another delicious way to use it combined with plenty of crunchy seeds for a healthy breakfast (or snack at any time of day!). The ways you might want to serve it are endless

- 220g quinoa
- 200g rolled oats (I used Quaker)
- 50g pumpkin seeds
- 50g sunflower seeds (I used Buy Wholefoods Online)
- 50g hemp seeds (I used Linwoods)
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon ginger
- 6 tablespoons maple syrup (I used Clarks)
- 50ml coconut oil, melted (I used The Coconut Company)

Get making!
- Preheat the oven to 170C and line a large baking tray with greaseproof paper.
- Mix together the quinoa, oats, seeds, cinnamon and ginger in a bowl.
- Whisk together the maple syrup and oil and pour into the bowl. Stir well so everything is combined.
- Spread out in an even layer and bake for 25 minutes (stir every 10 minutes) until golden brown. Leave to cool to crispen up and form clumps.
- Transfer to an airtight jar and keep for up to 2 weeks. Serve with yogurt, milk, fruit – whatever!

I layered mine up with yogurt, Swiss Me berry puree and added some freeze-dried raspberries for extra crunch!